historical nihilism

美 [hɪˈstɔːrɪkl ˈnaɪɪlɪzəm]英 [hɪˈstɒrɪkl ˈnaɪɪlɪzəm]
  • 网络历史虚无主义
historical nihilismhistorical nihilism
  1. Behind the Nihilism & An Analysis of Historical Nihilism of the New Era


  2. Historical nihilism exist in inheriting traditional culture .


  3. Fourthly , it overcame the attitudes of the historical nihilism .


  4. Opposing the historical nihilism thoroughly and adhering to the materialist conception of history is a long-term struggle in the ideological field .


  5. However , neo-historical novels over emphasize the decisive role of contingent factors in history construction , which inclines to historical nihilism and constricts its further development .


  6. It is the most important of all to further strengthen the cultural idea of Confucius , establish a moral system that better suits the modern society and oppose the national and historical nihilism .


  7. Historical nihilism is a socio-political and cultural ideological trend which is produced under the influence of a variety of ideological trends based on the philosophy of historical idealism in the western world .


  8. There lies many opinions , which the author is strongly against , those ideas are the following : obvious historical nihilism , cultural conservatism , liberalism , non-rationalism and some ideas with a religion color .


  9. To raise the question of maintaining the scientific conception of history is primarily aiming at a trend of historical nihilism which has recently appeared in the study area of modern history , and especially in the area of study on the Party history .


  10. Historical nihilism holds skeptical , negative and dispelling attitudes toward the historical essence , historical facts and historical rules , and gives arbitrary interpretation of historical phenomena , historical truth and historical figures , or even deliberately distorts the interpretation .


  11. Confucian view of history is a kind of degradation , mohism is utilitarianism under the drive of " king ", Taoism is a kind of " retro " and " historical nihilism ", while the yin-yang school is a kind of " historicism " .


  12. Historical nihilism is essentially a kind of idealist conception of history , of which the view of world and history has a distinct class character . It is , in fact , impossible to analyze historical phenomena and events " supra-class " and " non-partially " .


  13. Nihilism manifests symptoms , such as many spirit skeptical or relativism , national nihilism , collective nihilism , historical nihilism , moral nihilism , religious secular and mysticism , etc. Above all the spiritual symptoms without exception , reveals the human "" homeless dilemma .


  14. Because of self-deception , the very essence of western culture is exposed as that of nihilism . In other words , the self-deception is the historical origin of western nihilism .


  15. To Guide Historical Evaluations by the Scientific Conception of History & A Concurrent Comment on the Trend of Historical Nihilism
